Assessment Deadlines Policy


In the case that an MYP student misses a deadline for a summative (end of unit) task, the following procedure should apply:
1.      As with any other absence, a parental note is needed to justify absence on the deadline day.  Technological failure (loss of work from computer, etc.) does not constitute an acceptable excuse; all students are expected to back up their work. (If the student has not been absent, then proceed to number 3 below).
2.      Work is expected on the first day back, otherwise under special circumstances teacher and student can agree on an extension. If the justified absence has been prolonged, or other deadlines have been missed, then the homeroom teacher should supply a student support form.
3.      If a parental note is not provided and the work is not submitted on return to school, the teacher has the option to supervise the student for 45 minutes (1.15pm-2pm) during the next available lunchtime to enable the student to complete the work.  This is then what is assessed. If the work is given in late with no agreement from the teacher, then an NS (not submitted) grade is entered. The teacher has the right to give or not give feedback, and term grades will be based on work handed in on time.
4.      Subsequently, the teacher contacts the Homeroom tutor who should contact parents and copy the MYP coordinator to express general concern about the situation. 
If a deadline is missed for a second time, parents should be called in to attend a meeting with the Homeroom tutor and MYP coordinator to discuss solutions.