Thursday, December 6, 2012

December 13, 14

EVALUATE (Criterion E) Maximum 6

1.Students are expected to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification in an objective manner based on testing, and to evaluate its impact on life, society and/or the environment. They are expected to explain how the product/solution could be improved as a result of these evaluations.

2.Students are expected to evaluate their own performance at each stage of the design cycle and to suggest ways in which their performance could be improved.

3.To get a 6 the student: evaluates the success of the product/solution considering the results of testing, and the views of the user. The student evaluates their own performance at some stages of the design cycle and considers improvements. The student considers the impact of the product/solution on life, society and/or the environment.

Let's talk about what this means, then we'll get started!

1. Print the questionnaire (that you created in the Investigate) and show your wiki page to 5 people and ask them to answer your questionnaire.
2. Write a paragraph to "analyze" the feedback. In other words write about the scores that you received and say how your wiki page could be improved. (Use phrases like: Based on my feedback I can conclude . . .)
3. Evaluate your performance at each stage of the design cycle: Investigate, Design, Plan, Create AND suggest ways that you can improve your performance. (You need 4 paragraphs here).
4. Write a final paragraph saying if you accomplished your goal and what impact it will have. (In other words, look at the unit question - were you successful? Explain. Relate back to the Area of Interaction.) Remember this is the final paragraph of your research project. It should finalize the project.

Any questions, please raise your hand and I will be happy to help you.

Please leave a comment on this post to acknowledge that you understand your assignment and an appropriate design specification.

IB Learner Profile - Reflective

Learning objectives: carry out tests to compare final product against design specification, suggest improvements, reflect on their performance and identify parts they found difficult and suggest ways in which their performance could be improved.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

November 29, November 30, December 7
Year 9, now on to the CREATE - Criterion D

Students are expected to follow their plan, to evaluate the plan and to justify any changes they make to the plan while they are creating the product/solution.

To get a 6 the student: uses appropriate techniques and equipment. The student follows the majority of the plan and mentions any modifications made, resulting in a product/solution of appropriate quality using the resources available.

1. Follow your plan to create your wikipage.  Is your plan correct?  What changes have you made?  Keep track of this information as you will use if when you reflect on your plan. 
2.  Write a paragraph saying whether you plan worked and stating any modifications you made to your wiki page.

Create - Due Friday, December 7

IBO Learner Profile:  Knowledgeable

Learning objective: The student will: use appropriate techniques and equipment competently; ensure a safe working environment for themselves and others; follow the plan to produce the product/solution with minimal guidance; review the plan and explain any changes to the plan (when necessary); create a product/solution of appropriate quality.

November 23, 29
Year 9, I'm so sorry that your designs were not available on November 16.  My mistake. I have extended the due date.

1. Open a document (Open Office, Google)
2. Title your document, Term 1 Plan,
3. Type your name at the top left,
4. Space down, type:  PLAN (all caps, centre justify),
5. Space down, type: Resources

Let's brainstorm the resources each of you will need to create your wiki page.

6. Type the list of resources that we have created,
7. Space down and type: Plan,

Open PBWorks

 8. Begin to create a list of the steps you will need to take to create your wiki page and the amount of time you think it will take (1 min is the minimum)

      Start like this:
       1. Open PBWorks, 1 min

Continue on until you have included everything necessary to complete your wiki page.

Then write a paragraph saying why you think your plan will work.  Remember that you have lots of experience with wikis. You have done a tutorial and you had pbworks open when you were creating your page. You can build a persuasive paragraph using this information. 

Due November 29 end of period 1

IB Learner Profile: 

Learning Objectives for Plan:  The student will: devise, with guidance, a series of logical steps to create the product/solution; construct a plan to create the product/solution that makes effective ue of resources and time; analyze the plan and explain the need for any modifications to the plan.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 15, 16
Year 9, it's time to make a PLAN.

1. Open a document (Open Office, Google)
2. Title your document, Term 1 Plan,
3. Type your name at the top left,
4. Space down, type:  PLAN (all caps, centre justify),
5. Space down, type: Resources

Let's brainstorm the resources each of you will need to create your wiki page.

6. Type the list of resources that we have created,
7. Space down and type: Plan,

Open PBWorks

 8. Begin to create a list of the steps you will need to take to create your wiki page and the amount of time you think it will take (1 min is the minimum)

      Start like this:
       1. Open PBWorks, 1 min

Continue on until you have included everything necessary to complete your wiki page.

Then write a paragraph saying why you think your plan will work.  Remember that you have lots of experience with wikis. You have done a tutorial and you had pbworks open when you were creating your page. You can build a persuasive paragraph using this information. 

Due November 16 end of period

IB Learner Profile: 

Learning Objectives for Plan:  The student will: devise, with guidance, a series of logical steps to create the product/solution; construct a plan to create the product/solution that makes effective ue of resources and time; analyze the plan and explain the need for any modifications to the plan.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 9

Welcome back to CT class Year 9.  I hope you had a great half-term break and are rested and ready to work;-)

Before we left you finished your designs but today we need to document our learning.  Please follow the instructions below:

1. Evaluate each design against your design specification (one way to start is: Design 1 meets my design specification because . . .then list all of your design specifications),
1. Choose 1 design and write a paragraph to justify your choice (to fully and critically justify your choice against the design specification - include pros/cons, compare/contrast against the other designs).

If you have any questions, please raise your hand I will be happy to help you.

IB Learner Profile: Knowledgeable

DESIGNS  DUE  today, November 9

Learning Objective: The student will: generate a range of designs that attempt to meet the design specifications; compare the designs against the design specifications and identify the pros and cons of each design; select one design and explain its choice.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October 25, 26

Year 9, we have a double today.

Let's see how much you remember from the tutorials you completed;-)
First answer the question that you have received about a specific issue that you may encounter using PB Works.

Next let's continue with the Design.

Remember that in order to get a 5/6 you must:

1. Generate (make) 3 different but possible designs of your wiki page,

By the end of class today (October 25) you will have completed the 3 designs.

2. Evaluate each design against your design specification (one way to start is: Design 1 meets my design specification because . . .then list all of your design specifications),
3. Choose 1 design and write a paragraph to justify your choice (to fully and critically justify your choice against the design specification - include pros/cons, compare/contrast against the other designs).

If you have any questions, please raise your hand I will be happy to help you.

IB Learner Profile: Knowledgeable


Learning Objective: The student will: generate a range of designs that attempt to meet the design specifications; compare the designs against the design specifications and identify the pros and cons of each design; select one design and explain its choice.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

October 19

Year 9, if you haven't yet, please submit your Investigation;-)

Let's see how much you remember from the tutorials you completed;-)

Next is the Design.

Remember that in order to get a 5/6 you must:

1. Generate (make) 3 different but possible designs of your wiki page,
2. Evaluate each design against your design specification (one way to start is: Design 1 meets my design specification because . . .),
3. Choose 1 design and write a paragraph to justify your choice (fully and critically justify your choice against the design specification - include pros/cons, compare/contrast against the other designs).

If you have any questions, please raise your hand I will be happy to help you.

IB Learner Profile: Knowledgeable


Learning Objective: The student will: generate a range of designs that attempt to meet the design specifications; compare the designs against the design specifications and identify the pros and cons of each design; select one design and explain its choice.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

October 12

PBWorks wiki tutorial.  Learn how to create and manage a wiki page.  Please follow these instructions.

How to embed a YouTube video in PBWorks:
How to insert an image in PBWorks:
PBWorks 5 minute Overview:

Please give me your email address and I will send you an invitation to join the wiki;-)

IB Learner Profile: Thinker

Learning Objective: The student will list, with limited guidance, the specific requirements that must be met by the product/solution and design, with limited guidance, tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.

October 11 period 2, October 12 period 2

Based on your research you should have a good idea about what makes a successful prezi presentation.

The IBO says that the design specification is "A detailed description of the conditions, requirements and restrictions with which a design must comply. This is a precise and accurate list of facts such as conditions, dimensions, materials, process and methods that are important for the designer and for the user. All appropriate solutions will need to comply with the design specification."

Include a detailed list of 5 specifications.

Then create a test that will help you evaluate your product/solution in Criterion E - Evaluate.

Let's brainstorm some possible design specifications . . .

3.  Formulate a Design Specification

My Wiki page on France must possess the following characteristics:

1.       Error Free -   This is a good design specification because. . .

To test my Wiki page I will create a questionnaire. On a scale of 1-5 (1=awful, 5=awesome) I will ask the following questions:


Due date for 9.1 -  October 12, at the end of Period 2.  You may print during class.

IB Learner Profile: Thinker

Learning Objectives: The student will list, with little guidance, the specific requirements that must be met by the product/solution and design, with limited guidance, tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification. The student will design, with guidance, tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.

October 11, period 1

Year 9, period 1 was full of learning about the MYP.  First of all we discussed one of the main goals of the MYP which is to have each student become a problem solver. Then we discussed the IB Learner Profiles individually and not only how they fit into an IB school but also how they fit into the Design Cycle. We concluded that  practicing the IB Learner Profiles will make the world a better place.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

September 28
Year 9 we have another double today.  We will have enough time to get accomplish a lot.

Today, I would like you to complete the following tasks:

3.What information will I include on my wiki page? Explain. (Look at the existing wiki pages to get ideas).
     a.  First make a list of items that you want to include on your wiki page.  For example: Food, Music, Discos, Map, General Facts, Basic History, etc.
     b.  Then conduct research to find the exact information you would like to include on your page.  Include that information here. You can copy/paste info into the wiki page BUT you must source it properly. That means to include the name of the source and the url.
4.Gather images for your page. (Keep them in a file folder.) Keep a list of the name of the source and url where you got the picture or use Royalty Free pictures.
5.Gather links and videos for your page. (Keep them in a file folder.)

This work is due October 11 at the beginning of class.

IB Learner Profile: Inquirer

Learning Objectives - The student will: consider the importance of the problem within a wider context and outline a simple design brief, identify meaningful questions, carry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September 27

Year 9, we have a double today.  Let's "Keep Calm and Carry On" with our research.

possible language to use in your written work . . .
     From my research I found out . . .
     I have discovered that . . .
     My conclusions are that . . .
     I have kept my research relevant by . . .

2. Develop A Design Brief
This is the part of the project where you ask and answer questions that will help you solve your problem. Please write a sentence to introduce this part of the project.

  1. What is a wiki? Explain, Include detailed information
  2. What information should I include on my wiki page? (Look at 3 different websites for your country to gather information and ideas.) Look at both the layout and the content. Analyze findings - what did you like? what didn't you like? include url of website and printscreen.
This work should be completed today in class.  If not, finish for homework. 
This work is Due September 28.

IB Learner Profile: Inquirer

Learning Objectives - The student will: consider the importance of the problem within a wider context and outline a simple design brief, identify meaningful questions, carry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Student/Chosen Country

Teresa - France
Lourenço Soares - Russia
Bella - Fiji
Alicia - Norway
Vasco - Ireland
Alexander B - Monaco
Mateus Abecassis - Argentina
Lourenço S.S. - Wales
Pedro Sottomayor - Australia
Alexandre VH - Greece
August - Vatican City
Claudia Lomba Viana - Turkey
Tiago Monteiro - Indonesia
Sebastian - Zimbabwe
Inês - Jamaica
Harsh - India
Bernardo -

Please check your name and your country.  If there is a problem, please raise your hand.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

September 21

Year 9, before we go any further, let's take a look at a short video which offers a view of what a wiki is.

Keep in mind that we are going to create a wiki which will offer information to teens who are moving abroad. The wiki platform that we will use is PB Works (  The wiki is located here: .

Now onto the next stage of the Investigate:
2. Develop a Design Brief.  This is the part of the project where you ask questions that will help you solve your problem. Please write a sentence to introduce this part of the project.

  • What is a wiki?  Explain, Include detailed information
  • What information should I include on my wiki page?  (Look at different websites for your country to gather information and ideas.) Analyze findings - what did you like?  what didn't you like? include url of website and printscreen.
  • What information will I include on my wiki page? Explain.  (Look at the existing wiki pages to get ideas).  Include that information here. You can copy/paste info into the wiki page BUT you must source it properly.
  • Gather images for your page.  (Keep them in a file folder.)  Keep a list of the url where you got the picture or use Royalty Free pictures.
  • Gather links and videos for your page.  (Keep them in a file folder.)
Use more than 5 sources to complete this work.  Use in-text referencing and create a Bibliography.

IB Learner Profile: Inquirer

Learning Objectives - The student will: consider the importance of the problem within a wider context and outline a simple design brief, identify meaningful questions, carry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

September 14

Year 9, now we are ready to go!

Remember that the Investigate (Criterion A) has 3 tasks: 1) Identify the problem, 2) Develop a design brief, and 3) Formulate a design specification.

The "Identify the Problem" is the introduction to our project.  It consists of two paragraphs.

Paragraph one must contain the following: it must: state the CT problem that we are trying to solve, discuss "relevance" (why we are doing this project), offer a solution, and it must say who our audience (customer) is.

Paragraph two must say what our area of interaction is and state how your project connects to that area of interaction.

You may use the template which is located here as a guide.

You have this double period to complete this task.  Let's go:-D

IB Learner Profile: Inquirer

Learning objective: Consider the importance of the problem for life, society and/or the environment.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 13

Period 1

1. Let's look at our Unit of Work and discuss our project.


2. Year 9, one of the primary focuses of the MYP Design Cycle is research. It is important to know how to conduct research and how to summarize your findings. Let's take a few minutes to go over the exercise on the page entitled, "Writing a summary". As we continue along this project we will discuss phrases that will help you record your findings clearly and appropriately.

Period 2
1. Let's each look closely at a world map and choose a country to focus on this term.

I will keep a record of which country each student is working with so there are no duplications;-)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

September 7

Year 9, welcome to Computer Technology.

My name is Ms. Dietrich and I will be your facilitator this year.

We will work on  fun and exciting projects this year.  In Term 1 we will each add a page in class wiki. In Term 2 we will create a website using HTML coding.

Today, we will take a look at the class blog and discuss class rules that will aid our learning.  Finally, we will discuss the Design Cycle and how it is used to solve problems.

We will then look at summary writing and discuss why it is an important skill to learn.

Year 9, let's have a great year together!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 18, 20
Hold tight Year 9, we have just a few days to go.

Please complete and submit your Create and Evaluate so I can give you great grades and you can move easily into Year 10.

If you have finished all your work here are a couple of links for you to check out:

Java Script Coding Tutorial!/exercises/0
Jumpcraft - the easiest way to make a game

I would like to have some feedback on these links;-)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 13

Year 9 - We are back online. Hooray!

Now, let's finish our Evauations;-)

Remember you need to do the following:

1. Print the questionnaire (that you created in the Investigate) and show your infographic to 5 people and ask them to answer your questionnaire.

2. Write a paragraph to "analyze" the feedback. In other words write about the scores that you received and say how your infographic could be improved. (Use phrases like: Based on my feedback I can conclude . . .)

3. Evaluate your performance at each stage of the design cycle: Investigate, Design,  Create AND suggest ways that you can improve your performance. (You need 3 paragraphs here).

4. Write a final paragraph saying if you accomplished your goal and what impact it will have. (In other words, look at the unit question - were you successful? Explain. Relate back to the Area of Interaction.) Remember this is the final paragraph of your research project. It should finalize the project.

Any questions, please raise your hand and I will be happy to help you.

IB Learner Profile - Reflective

Learning objectives: carry out tests to compare final product against design specification, suggest improvements, reflect on their performance and identify parts they found difficult and suggest ways in which their performance could be improved.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

June 4, 6

Now, on to the EVALUATE - Criterion E     (6 points max)   Due Friday, June 8

Please submit a JPEG of your poster on the Pen Drive coming around.  Be sure that you have printed and submitted your Process Journal and paragraph saying whether you have made any modifications to your original design.

According to the IBO,
1.Students are expected to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification in an objective manner based on testing, and to evaluate its impact on life, society and/or the environment. They are expected to explain how the product/solution could be improved as a result of these evaluations.

 2.Students are expected to evaluate their own performance at each stage of the design cycle and to suggest ways in which their performance could be improved. 

 3.To get a 6 the student: evaluates the success of the product/solution considering the results of testing, and the views of the user. The student evaluates their own performance at some stages of the design cycle and considers improvements. 

The student considers the impact of the product/solution on life, society and/or the environment. Let's talk about what this means, then we'll get started! 

1. Print the questionnaire (that you created in the Investigate) and show your infographic to 5 people and ask them to answer your questionnaire.

2. Write a paragraph to "analyze" the feedback. In other words write about the scores that you received and say how your infographic could be improved. (Use phrases like: Based on my feedback I can conclude . . .)

3. Evaluate your performance at each stage of the design cycle: Investigate, Design,  Create AND suggest ways that you can improve your performance. (You need 3 paragraphs here).

4. Write a final paragraph saying if you accomplished your goal and what impact it will have. (In other words, look at the unit question - were you successful? Explain. Relate back to the Area of Interaction.) Remember this is the final paragraph of your research project. It should finalize the project.

Any questions, please raise your hand and I will be happy to help you.

IB Learner Profile - Reflective

Learning objectives: carry out tests to compare final product against design specification, suggest improvements, reflect on their performance and identify parts they found difficult and suggest ways in which their performance could be improved.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 21, 23, 28

Now, on to the CREATE - Criterion D
 Use your chosen design and create a poster of appropriate quality using the resources available.

 1. Open a Document and title it "Process Journal". You are to document the steps that you take to create your infographic.  In diary style - include the date and the period and say what you did in class that day.  Include print screens.

2. Write a paragraph reflecting on the process of creating your infographic and stating any modifications you made to your original design. (Was your design detailed enough? Did you make any modifications? Why?)

IBO Learner Profile:  Knowledgeable

Learning objective: The student will: use appropriate techniques and equipment competently; ensure a safe working environment for themselves and others; use the chosen design to produce the IB Profile infographic with minimal guidance; create a product/solution of appropriate quality.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 16, 21

On to  the Design.

Remember that in order to get a 5/6 you must:

1. Generate (make) 3 different but possible designs of your IB learner Profile infographic/poster,
2. Evaluate each design against your design specification (one way to start is: Design 1 meets my design specification because . . .),
3. Choose 1 design and write a paragraph to justify your choice (fully and critically justify your choice against the design specification - include pros/cons, compare/contrast against the other designs).

If you have any questions, please raise your hand I will be happy to help you.

Learning Objective: The student will: generate a range of designs that attempt to meet the design specifications; compare the designs against the design specifications and identify the pros and cons of each design; select one design and explain its choice.

Monday, May 14, 2012

May 14,

Based on your research you should have a good idea about what makes a successful infographic/poster. 

The IBO says that the design specification is "A detailed description of the conditions, requirements and restrictions with which a design must comply. This is a precise and accurate list of facts such as conditions, dimensions, materials, process and methods that are important for the designer and for the user. All appropriate solutions will need to comply with the design specification."

Include a detailed list of 5 specifications.

Then create a test that will help you evaluate your product/solution in Criterion E - Evaluate.


3.  Formulate a Design Specification

My infographic/poster must possess the following characteristics:

1.       Appeal to a general audience.  This is a good design specification because. . .
2.       Eye-catching
3.       Clearly represent the profile
4.       Error free
5.       Well-organized

To test my infographic/poster I will create a questionnaire. On a scale of 1-5 (1=awful, 5=awesome) I will ask the following questions:


Due May 16, beginning of class.

Learning Objective: The student will list, with little guidance, the specific requirements that must be met by the product/solution and design, with limited guidance, tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 9

IB Learner Profile

Luís - Inquirer
Felipe Veiga - Open-Minded
Sofia Falcão - Principled
Afonso - Thinker
Ross - Open-Minded
Henrique - Principled
Francisco - Knowledgeable
Maria TD - Communicator
Gonçalo - Knowledgeable
Tómas - Well - Balanced
Rita - Reflective
Filipe Silva - Caring
Raul - Thinker
Sofia T Carvalho - Caring
Arran - Inquirer
Carolina - Reflective

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 1
Year 9, It's really important to take the time and actually complete tutorials on a new programme.  While "playing around" with the programme is fun, completing a tutorial is much more productive.  I would suggest having the programme open while you are doing a tutorial and practising while you learn.

Which tutorial will you use?
Tech Drive In:
20 Fantastic Step-By-Step Guide:

IB Learner Profile: Inquirer

Learning Objectives - The student will: consider the importance of the problem within a wider context and outline a simple design brief, identify meaningful questions, carry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

April 23, April 30

2. Develop a Design Brief

Note: Design Brief - The student's response to the challenge, showing how they intend to solve the problem they have been presented with. This will guide their investigation as they work to develop a more detailed design specification.

To get a 5-6 the student: critically investigates the problem, selecting information from a range of appropriate, acknowledged sources.

So, what does that mean? That means that you will:
  • create and answer questions that will help you solve your problem 
  • evaluate the information you gather (explain how you can use this information)
  • select information from several appropriate, acknowledged sources
Let's begin:
To drive my Investigation, I will research the following:

1. What are good design elements for making infographics/posters?
2. What is GIMP?
3. Complete a tutorial on GIMP.
4. Conduct research on an IB Learner Profile.

Use more than 5 sources to complete this work. Use in-text referencing.

IB Learner Profile: Inquirer

Learning Objectives - The student will: consider the importance of the problem within a wider context and outline a simple design brief, identify meaningful questions, carry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 18

New Unit:
Unit Question: How can I use Computer Technology to help develop a culture of community at OIS?
AOI: Community and Service

Relevance: motivate others, participate in my school community in a major way

Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16

New Unit:
Unit Question: How can I use Computer Technology to help develop a culture of community at OIS?
AOI: Health and Social Education

Relevance: motivate others, participate in my school community in a major way

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 28
Good Morning Year 9.

I need your help.  I am the Yearbook Coordinator and this year we would like to include an Art Gallery section in the yearbook.  I would like to photograph some of your best work and need your help.  We will send an envoy to Ms. Brás and these people will collect your Art Workbooks.  Then you will choose a work that you would like to include in the yearbook.  This work will be photographed. Finally, I will transfer your work from the camera to my external hard-drive and name your work.

This will be so cool.

Thank you so much for all your cooperation in this matter.

Friday, March 23, 2012

March 26

Year 9 - Our international snack day will be Monday, March 26

The list of food is as follows:
Rita - breadsticks
Sofia T - cheetos
Gonçalo - doritos and cheese
Arran - pasta
Raul - pancakes
Maria - cake
Francisco - chicken
Carolina - peanuts
Tómas - boxty
Henrique - maltesers
Ross - shortbread
Sebastian - oven pancake
Filipe - pistacios
Afonso - fanta and 7up
Sofia F - potatoe chips
Felipe -

We have class period 5.  It's the perfect time for a little pre-lunch symposium!  We will congregate outside on the terrace! 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 19, 21

This week we are working on making animated movies from the drawings you made in Art class. 

I can't wait to see the final products!

IB Learner Profile - Risk Taker

Learning Objective:  The student will have FUN while learning.

Sunday, March 11, 2012
Year 9 - I love your wiki pages. They are great;-) Fab photos, facts, videos, and even music!!!

Should we have a world food party to celebrate this achievement?  The perfect day to do this would be Wednesday, March 21 - period 5.

We could also decorate the lunch room with recipes of food from our country.  Let's take a minute to discuss this.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 5, 7

EVALUATE (Criterion E) Maximum 6

1.Students are expected to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification in an objective manner based on testing, and to evaluate its impact on life, society and/or the environment. They are expected to explain how the product/solution could be improved as a result of these evaluations.

2.Students are expected to evaluate their own performance at each stage of the design cycle and to suggest ways in which their performance could be improved.

3.To get a 6 the student: evaluates the success of the product/solution considering the results of testing, and the views of the user. The student evaluates their own performance at some stages of the design cycle and considers improvements. The student considers the impact of the product/solution on life, society and/or the environment.

Let's talk about what this means, then we'll get started!

1. Print the questionnaire (that you created in the Investigate) and show your wiki page to 5 people and ask them to answer your questionnaire.
2. Write a paragraph to "analyze" the feedback. In other words write about the scores that you received and say how your wiki page could be improved. (Use phrases like: Based on my feedback I can conclude . . .)
3. Evaluate your performance at each stage of the design cycle: Investigate, Design, Plan, Create AND suggest ways that you can improve your performance. (You need 4 paragraphs here).
4. Write a final paragraph saying if you accomplished your goal and what impact it will have. (In other words, look at the unit question - were you successful? Explain. Relate back to the Area of Interaction.) Remember this is the final paragraph of your research project. It should finalize the project.

Any questions, please raise your hand and I will be happy to help you.

Please leave a comment on this post to acknowledge that you understand your assignment and an appropriate design specification.

IB Learner Profile - Reflective

Learning objectives: carry out tests to compare final product against design specification, suggest improvements, reflect on their performance and identify parts they found difficult and suggest ways in which their performance could be improved.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

February 27, 29
Year 9, welcome back.  I hope you had an awesome half-term break.

As we previously discussed, you will have until Friday to re-submit your corrected Investigate.  Please take advantage of this opportunity as it will help improve your grade.  Please feel free to work on your CT project during break and lunch.

Now, on to the CREATE - Criterion D

Students are expected to follow their plan, to evaluate the plan and to justify any changes they make to the plan while they are creating the product/solution.

To get a 6 the student: uses appropriate techniques and equipment. The student follows the majority of the plan and mentions any modifications made, resulting in a product/solution of appropriate quality using the resources available.

1. Follow your plan to create your webpage.  Is your plan correct?  What changes have you made?  Keep track of this information as you will use if when you reflect on your plan. 
2.  Write a paragraph saying whether you plan worked and stating any modifications you made to your wiki page.

Create - Due Friday, March 2

IBO Learner Profile:  Knowledgeable

Learning objective: The student will: use appropriate techniques and equipment competently; ensure a safe working environment for themselves and others; follow the plan to produce the product/solution with minimal guidance; review the plan and explain any changes to the plan (when necessary); create a product/solution of appropriate quality.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 13, 15
Year 9, some of you included too much information on your country in your Investigation.  How and when will you decide exactly what you will include on your wiki page?

Year 9, it's time to make a PLAN.

1. Open a Google document,
2. Title your document, Term 2 Plan,
3. Type your name at the top left,
4. Space down, type:  PLAN (all caps, centre justify),
5. Space down, type: Resources

Let's brainstorm the resources each of you will need to create your wiki page.

6. Type the list of resources that we have created,
7. Space down and type: Plan,

Open PBWorks

 8. Begin to create a list of the steps you will need to take to create your wiki page and the amount of time you think it will take (1 min is the minimum)

      Start like this:
       1. Open PBWorks, 1 min

Continue on until you have included everything necessary to complete your wiki page.

You have 2 class periods to complete this task.  Then write a paragraph saying why you think your plan will work.  Remember that you have lots of experience with wikis. You have done a tutorial and you had pbworks open when you were creating your page.

Learning Objectives for Plan:  The student will: devise, with guidance, a series of logical steps to create the product/solution; construct a plan to create the product/solution that makes effective ue of resources and time; analyze the plan and explain the need for any modifications to the plan.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

February 6, 8

Year 9, please submit your Investigation;-)

Next is the Design.

Remember that in order to get a 5/6 you must:

1. Generate (make) 3 different but possible designs of your wiki page,
2. Evaluate each design against your design specification (one way to start is: Design 1 meets my design specification because . . .),
3. Choose 1 design and write a paragraph to justify your choice (fully and critically justify your choice against the design specification - include pros/cons, compare/contrast against the other designs).

If you have any questions, please raise your hand I will be happy to help you.

Learning Objective: The student will: generate a range of designs that attempt to meet the design specifications; compare the designs against the design specifications and identify the pros and cons of each design; select one design and explain its choice.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

February 1

Wikis in Plain English por leelefever

Period 4 

3.  Formulate a Design Specification

Below is a list of design specifications that my wiki page must have:
Remember to justify each design specification)
  • Error Free  (why?)
  • Appropriate Colour (why?)
  • Readability (Font)  (why?)
  • Images, Videos   (why?)
  • Sources  (why?)
  • Interesting to Teens  (why?)
Next, I will create a test to evaluate my wiki page. I will create a questionnaire.  On a scale of 1-5 (1=awful, 5=awesome) I will ask the following questions: 

Period 5 

PBWorks wiki tutorial.  Learn how to create and manage a wiki page.  Please follow these instructions.

How to embed a YouTube video in PBWorks:
How to insert an image in PBWorks:
PBWorks 5 minute Overview:

Please give me your email address and I will send you an invitation to join the wiki;-)

IB Learner Profile: Thinker

Learning Objective: The student will list, with limited guidance, the specific requirements that must be met by the product/solution and design, with limited guidance, tests to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 30

  • What information will I include on my wiki page? Explain.  (Look at the existing wiki pages to get ideas).  Gather the information for your page. Include that information here.  You may copy/paste the information BUT you must have the url's and names of the websites you use so we can "source" them. 
  • Gather images for your page.  (Keep them in a file folder.)  Keep a list of the url where you got the picture or use Royalty Free pictures.
  • Gather links and videos for your page.  (Keep them in a file folder.)
Use more than 5 sources to complete this work.  Use in-text referencing.

If you don't finish this in class today, please continue for homework. This work must be done as Wednesday period 4 we will work on the design specifications and period 5 we will hand in the Investigation and do a tutorial on pbworks.

IB Learner Profile: Inquirer

Learning Objectives - The student will: consider the importance of the problem within a wider context and outline a simple design brief, identify meaningful questions, carry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Term 2 Due Dates - FYI

Term 2 Due Dates

  • Investigate - Feb 3
  • Design - Feb 10
  • Plan - Feb 17
  • Create - March 2
  • Evaluate - March 9

Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 23, 25

As previously discussed, we will work to complete an entire Design Cycle in Term 2.  Our deadlines will be strict in order to meet our goal.

By the end of class on Wednesday, January 25 you should have the following COMPLETED:

  • Write 1 paragraph to 1. Identify the Problem.  (This paragraph must state the problem that you are going to solve.  It must say why this project is relevant and include supporting detail.  It must say who our "client" is. 
  • Write 1 paragraph connecting your project to Community and Service. 
  •  2. Develop a Design Brief.  (This is the part of the project where you ask questions that will help you solve your problem.)
  • What is a wiki?  Explain, Include detailed information
  • What information should I include on my wiki page?  (Look at different websites for your country to gather information and ideas.) Analyze findings - what did you like?  what didn't you like? include url of each website and printscreen.

If you don't finish in class please continue as homework and be ready to submit this work on Monday, January 30.

Remember that you are welcome to work during lunch or after school in the Homework Club.

Please leave a comment on this post to acknowledge that you understand your assignment and your deadline. Thanks so much for that;-)

IB Learner Profile: Inquirer

Learning Objectives - The student will: consider the importance of the problem within a wider context and outline a simple design brief, identify meaningful questions, carry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 18

New Project - hooray

Year 9, we have quite a few things that we need to accomplish this term.  One of them is our new WIKI project.  We are going to create a wiki which will offer information to teens who are moving abroad. The wiki platform that we will use is PB Works (  The wiki is located here: .

Let's see what we need to do to begin. . .
1.  Let's look at the unit of work.

2.  Let's begin the project by writing the introduction.
  • Write 1 paragraph to Identify the Problem.  (This paragraph must state the problem that you are going to solve.  It must say why this project is relevant and include supporting detail.  It must say who our "client" is. 
  • Write 1 paragraph connecting your project to Community and Service. 
3.  Next, comes the Develop a Design Brief.  This is the part of the project where you ask questions that will help you solve your problem.
  • What is a wiki?  Explain, Include detailed information
  • What information should I include on my wiki page?  (Look at 3 different websites for your country to gather information and ideas.) Analyze findings - what did you like?  what didn't you like? include url of website and printscreen.
  • What information will I include on my wiki page? Explain.  (Look at the existing wiki pages to get ideas).  Include that information here.
  • Gather images for your page.  (Keep them in a file folder.)  Keep a list of the url where you got the picture or use Royalty Free pictures.
  • Gather links and videos for your page.  (Keep them in a file folder.)
Use more than 5 sources to complete this work.  Use in-text referencing.

IB Learner Profile: Inquirer

Learning Objectives - The student will: consider the importance of the problem within a wider context and outline a simple design brief, identify meaningful questions, carry out web search, select and organize appropriate sources and evaluate them.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 10, 16

Now, moving forward. . .

2. Write a paragraph to "analyze" the feedback. In other words write about the scores that you received and say how your digital story could be improved.  (Use phrases like: Based on my feedback I can conclude . . .)
3. Evaluate your performance at each stage of the design cycle: Investigate, Design, Plan, Create AND suggest ways that you can improve your performance. (You need 4 paragraphs here).
4. Write a final paragraph saying if you accomplished your goal and what impact it will have. In other words, look at the unit question - were you successful? Explain. (If you completed an html webpage and put it online you were successful.  Remember the impact the html webpage will have is that others will learn about the person you made the website about.  You are becoming a contributor to the world wide web by promoting culture;-)

January 13 you are expected to write the paragraph anyalyzing your feedback, evaluate your performance for the Investigate and Design sections of the Design Cycle.  To receive a 5/6 you MUST suggest ways that you can improve your performance.

If you don't finish your work during class, finish it for homework.

The Evaluate deadline is end of class Monday, January 16.

We will start our next project on Wednesday, January 18.

IB Learner Profile - Reflective

Learning objectives: carry out tests to compare final product against design specification, suggest improvements, reflect on their performance and identify parts they found difficult and suggest ways in which their performance could be improved.