Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 26, 28, October 3

Year 9,  the next step is to write a paragraph saying how your project connects to Community and Service.  You can begin writing the like this:  My project connects to Community and Service.

Now onto #2 Develop a Design Brief

To drive my investigation, I will research the following questions:
1.  What is HTML?
2.  Who created HTML and why?
3.  Brief history of HTML and the internet
4.  How does HTML work?
5.  What are tags?
6.  Research the person you will showcase.

Learning Objective: The Student will (A3) ask relevant questions, (A5) collect and select information, organize it logically and, with guidance, begin to analyse it.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 21

Year 9, we have looked at 3 exercises which gave us a bit of background information about the internet.  We are now ready to move on to Criterion A - Investigate.

The Investigate has 3 tasks:  1.  Identify the Problem (this is an introduction and a design brief that explains your project); 2.  Develop a Design Brief (this is where you ask and answer questions that will help you solve your problem); and 3.  Formulate a Design Specification (this is where you will define the characteristics that your final product will have and design a test to evaluate your product).

Let's begin by using Google Docs ( to write a paragraph that will identify the problem. (Follow this template and you will surely be successful.)

Learning objective: Consider the importance f the problem for life, society and/or the environment.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 19

Year 9, let's end the day by doing another Internet exercise.

Learning objectives:     The student will be able to: gain a basic understanding of how the internet works.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 12

Hope you had a great weekend.

1.  Each of you needs to have a Google Docs account. ( )  Let's make sure that we each have one.  If not, take 5 minutes and create one.  Remember, if you already have a Google account (YouTube, GMail, Blogger, etc) you can log in with your Google account details and add Google Docs to your existing account.

Year 9, you will be creating a webpage using HTML. It's a lot of fun - but it's also a lot of work. Be prepared to stay busy and become a contributor to the world wide web!

2. Let's take a few minutes and turn our attention to the worksheet. Please read and answer the questions. Let's complete Exercises 1 and 2.

Learning objectives:     The student will be able to: 
                                 define Internet, World Wide Web, hyperlink, url, browser, and HTML,
                                 define the terms network, lan, wan, and Internet,
                                 list the ways the Internet is used.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 7

Welcome to Year 9 MYP Technology

Year 9, you will be creating a webpage using HTML. It's a lot of fun - but it's also a lot of work. Be prepared to stay busy and become a contributor to the world wide web!