Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 13

Year 9, First take 5 minutes to complete the worksheet. Then on to the Investigation.

As one of the primary goals of MYP Technology is for you to become a problem solver, each Unit of Work starts with a problem. We will create a Folder of Documentation as we travel through the Design Cycle. We will start with Criterion A - Investigate.

Remember that the Investigation has 3 tasks: 1) Identify the Problem, 2) Develop a Design Brief, 3) Formulate a Design Specification.

We will begin with Identify the Problem. Explain the problem and discuss its relevance. Describe the problem in your own words and offer a solution. Also relate the problem to Areas of Interaction.

Follow this template and you will surely be successful.

Learning objective: Consider the importance of the problem for life, society and/or the environment.

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